Our expertise
The depth and strength of our team makes us unique. With backgrounds in local authority, Historic England and other statutory consultees, we have an in depth knowledge of the world that we work in.
We work collaboratively and share knowledge to benefit our clients and others within the team. We talk about our projects so that our advice is focussed on putting our clients ahead of the game.
We build long lasting relationships with our clients and other consultants, which are ultimately, based on trust. Whilst many of our clients are long standing, we do not rest on our laurels and always strive for improvement.
Importantly, what sets us apart from others is the way we embed ourselves in a project. We think about the ways in which we can tell the story of a development, defining the thought process which ultimately leads to a successful planning application.

Our planning consultancy services are designed to lead our clients through the complexities of the development process. Our work typically involves the project management of planning applications and planning appeals, and the promotion of land through the plan making process.
Heritage & Townscape

Our dedicated Heritage Team have a wealth of experience working with all areas of the built historic environment, including listed buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments and World Heritage Sites.
Project life cycle
We lead our clients through the complexities of the development process. By strengthening our client’s knowledge, we are able to help drive the project forward and deliver results.
Step 1:
Initial contact
Client contacts us about their project to discuss their requirements.
Step 2:
Site investigation
We do an initial site investigation and gather the required data with the client.
Step 3:
We create a client proposal based on our understanding of the project.
Step 4:
Go live
Following client sign-off to the proposal, the project commences as agreed.