Garry Hutchinson
Garry joined Smith Jenkins as a Director in January 2023. He is principally located in the Milton Keynes office whilst also working on projects from the London office. Garry is a Chartered Town Planner with 15 years’ experience in the private sector. The majority of his professional career has been spent in London, working at large-scale, multi-disciplinary property consultancies and also smaller, specialist planning consultancies.
Garry has a wealth of experience across a number of sectors, in particular, working with SME developers to promote and deliver medium-scale residential schemes in London and the south-east. Garry specialises in identifying opportunities and formulating planning strategies to optimise asset value, achieved through a comprehensive evidenced based approach. In addition to residential planning, he also has extensive experience of commercial and mixed-use schemes, rural diversification projects and large-scale, outdoor advertising.
Qualification: MPlan MRTPI
Phone: 07739 642777