Buntingford First School, Hertfordshire

LPA:Â Hertfordshire County Council
Client: Hertfordshire County Council
Buntingford First School is a scheme for 300 place
First School (YR – Y4) and 30 place nursery in
Hertfordshire. It is being developed by Hertfordshire
County Council as a pilot net zero carbon scheme,
and will be the first in the County.
Planning permission was granted in September 2021 subject to conditions.
The project has been commended for Best Project at the 2024 East of England RTPI Planning Excellence Awards.
We were appointed to undertake pre-application discussions with the Council, including early engagement meetings with the Local Lead Flood Authority, Highways and Sport England, as well as the joint occupiers of the site The Bury Football Club. Smith Jenkins also assisted in the production of the feasibility report, including the site history, planning policy position and justification for the development.