Kingsbrook Secondary School, Aylesbury

LPA: Buckinghamshire Council (Aylesbury Vale)
Client: Buckinghamshire Council
Smith Jenkins are appointed as planning consultant for a new secondary school to serve the Kingsbrook housing development in Aylesbury.
The development will include a new two and three storey 900 place secondary school with 180 post-16 places and a 32 place Special Educational Needs (SEN) unit. The main hall, sports centre and external sports areas will be available for hire outside of school hours for the benefit of the local community.
The project includes pre-application discussions with the local planning authority, community engagement via a public consultation website and a full planning application submission.
Smith Jenkins submitted a planning application in November 2020. The application was approved unanimously at Planning Committee with no pre-commencement conditions in April 2021. The school opened in September 2022.