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Willen Observation Wheel, Milton Keynes

LPA: Milton Keynes City Council

Client: Whitecap Leisure Ltd / The Parks Trust

Smith Jenkins acted on behalf of Whitecap Leisure Ltd  and the Parks Trust to provide planning services in relation to gaining temporary permission for an Observation Wheel and activities zone for children. The client wanted to relocate and consolidate a number of their existing children’s activities to a centralised location and add to this with a 33metre high Observation Wheel which would provide views across Milton Keynes and the surrounding countryside.

The application for a three-year temporary permission was approved, which allows the applicant to review the success and location of the Wheel within the relevant timescale. After a successful 3-year period, Smith Jenkins have since received planning permission to extend the temporary permission for a further 3 years.

The main considerations for the development were the visual impact the wheel would have on the surrounding area and the potential impact on wildlife in the local area.
