Rural & equestrian

We advise clients with rural land interests, from private landowners to farmers to estate and rural portfolio managers, providing a considered approach to development and diversification. We understand the challenges of developing in rural areas and offer bespoke planning services to meet our clients’ specific requirements which we establish from an early stage to best inform the planning strategy and achieve aspirations for realising and maximising the value of their land and estates.
We support clients in obtaining planning permissions through both local plan promotion and speculative ‘windfall’ developments by providing tailored planning advice informed by our experience and local knowledge. We have a track record of success in delivering planning permissions for rural brownfield redevelopment schemes and sensitive infill in rural areas, including within the Green Belt and Conservation Areas.
We also have particular expertise in permitted development rights in rural areas to achieve residential conversion of farm buildings under Class Q, commercial conversions under class R and developing new buildings for agriculture and forestry. We also provide planning advice on a range of equestrian-related developments for both private individual and commercial clients with projects including equestrian centres, new and replacement stable buildings, indoor arenas, manèges and other associated development.
We have a sound understanding of the unique considerations that come with rural and equestrian-related developments. By their very nature, many of these sites lie within areas designated as open countryside, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Conservation Areas, and/or the Green Belt which each have their own unique planning considerations. Smith Jenkins Planning & Heritage provide expert advice to ensure schemes accord with relevant national and local planning policies applicable to these constraints.

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